Creative Copy Challenges

Challenge #128 now posted

This was really cool, check it out every Monday and Thursday.

by Shane Arthur

BET YOU CAN’T take the 10 random words below and, in the comments, create a cohesive, creative short story tying all the words together! And remember: after (if) you finish, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed some challenges, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.)

Challenge #128
Apocryphal – Of questionable authorship or authenticity
Kilim – A tapestry-woven Turkish rug or other textile with geometric designs in rich, brilliant colors.
Mandible – The lower jaw of a vertebrate animal.

Patsi Sota March 22, 2011 at 8:26 am

Creative Copy Challenge #126

  1. Exhausting
  2. Thankful
  3. Koala Bear
  4. Speaker
  5. Positive
  6. Flashlight
  7. Cactus
  8. Squeeze Ball
  9. California Raisin
  10. Lighthouse
This tour has been absoluting exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that I have been asked to tour as a guest speaker on positive attitudes but I feel I am failing miserably in my own head. I have pulled out that damn squeeze ball 5 times before I was able to sleep last night. Trip to Australia, huh? Well my expectations turned into resentments. I thought I would be seeing Koala Bears and a possible cactus in the bush. Instead out bus broke down, God only knows where. They should have a lighthouse out here. This must be the middle of nowhere. I would be happy for a flashlight. I can hear growling nearby, those Dingos are dangerously vicious. After walking all day in this heat I feel like a Californis Raisin. I fear my resentments will turn on me and I will die here. The sooner the better. It has been 4 days and I am the only one left with the bus, alive anyway. Some went off to find help. I had read that to stay put, if lost in the outback, because it is easier for someone to find you. There is still hope. Russell Crowe may come and save me. We can ride off towards his ranch. Okay, now I am fantasizing, but what a way to go. Find me Gladiator!

Creative Copy Challenge #87

Patsi Sota October 26, 2010 at 9:07 am

They lived in squalor. It didn’t look as if the floor had been washed in years. The smell was enough to gag a maggot. I was furious. Who do they think they are. They kidnapped me. Unbelievable.
The house was a travesty of the happy home. Broken dolls without heads hung from the porch rafters. The birdbath, in the front yard, was filled with chopped up bird parts and blood. The flies were vivaciously landing, eating, taking to flight only to land elsewhere in the search of more putrid gore.

The girl went back outside but I am here alone, tied, and gagged with the man. He was filthy and bawdy. The language and gestures were appalling to me. The Heathen dragged me across the disgustingly dirty floor and threw me down the stairs. I think this is a cellar or basement. I heard the door slam and lock above me.

The first thing I noticed were the bodies hanging from the walls & ceiling like atlers in a hunting lodge. All of them in different states of decomposition. Some looked mummified and others still dripped blood. I could feel the gorge rise in my throat. Somehow I managed to get my tongue and chin in the ideal spot to dislodge the piece of cloth in my mouth. The bile came right back up and out. I spewed green down the front of my blouse, or what was left of one.

I was able to roll over and see another man. He was wearing a rubber apron, not unlike the type that a butcher in a slaughter house might wear. He was tearing and chopping at something, something still alive. The moans of the torchered only exacberated his chore. It was like watching a shark feeding frenzy.

I was able to move slightly, just in time to watch the lewd man dump a body on top of a workbench and begin to eviscerate it. The body was that of my friend Sharon. She was still very much alive and felt every cut, slash, and stab. Lewd Man raped her while Apron Man sliced through her pink flesh.

It has been over a day now, I can tell by the light coming in the filth covered window glass. The woman just left. She is off to incinerate what is left of Sharon. I just spent the last five hours with Lewd Man, while the woman watched and took turns with him utilizing wires, wrenches, and bottles. I can see the shards glistening on the dirt floor beneath me. Here comes Apron Man, it’s his turn.
Creative Copy Challenge #86

Synergized – to cooperate with another or others
Pegasus – a winged horse, created from the blood of Medusa; northern constillation
Medusa – see Snakes on a head.  ;)Merlin – the magician; or the falconCrystal Ball

 Patsi Sota October 21, 2010 at 6:44 am

The Gods


Medusa looks up from her crystal ball. “Fabled my ass. Why do these boobs refuse to believe we exist”

“Now don’t go getting everyone synergized up. You know how some can get”  replied Merlin.

The Gods were bitter after all these years having been thought of as mythological beings. Zeus, the fabulous, was watching a particular reality show that catered to real idiots. 

“Maybe I should go down there?” asked Pegasus.

“And do what my dear boy? Just spontaneously show up and say hello?” asked Merlin.

“Well yeah, something like that. We need to let them know we are still here, watching, and we are  stronger than ever,” replied Pagasus.

“Hmmph” replied Merlin.

Pegasus, if you must go take the elevator. Your wings aren’t what they were.” said Medusa.

Pegasus hung his head as he walked over and sat next to Zeus.

Creative Copy Challenge #85

Quixotic – impulsive; Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals
Vapid – Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull
facetious – characterized by levity of attitude and love of joking
bedazzle – To dazzle so completely as to make blind
Skulk – To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; To evade work
Coo – To talk fondly or amorously in murmurs

Patsi Sota October 18, 2010 at 11:09 am

Room is Ready

It was autumn, normally my favorite season, but I did notice. I stared into the fire and watched the flames leap with their own life. The embers look like maggots devouring the wood log. Something was happening here. The sparks hissed at me. A voice cooed to me that it was time. My room was ready.
I once had a choice to enter Heaven. I was afforded a glimpse. It seemed to me to be vapid and boring.  St. Peter had a freckle right on the tip of his nose. He must have felt my disappointment. I chose not to enter. As I was leaving he called to me and asked if I wanted to have a glimpse at Hell. He would afford me the choice of choosing. I assumed he was being facetious but he assured me he was sincere.
Lucifer met me at the door. He bedazzled me with gems that had a brilliant fire of their own, deep within. He assured me there were many more and I could have them whether I chose to come back or not. I thanked him and walked around. The ground was covered in gold and silver. Every corner I turned I found a precious gem, a beautiful woman, or food that pleased me euphorically. Hell? Really?
I became quixotic. I wanted it all. I planned to take all I could with me, never to return. I dropped a golden coin. Ironically enough a picture of the Pope was emblazoned on the coin. That caught my attention. This wasn’t a world of gold and silver. It was a place of misfire and disease. I gagged at the filth covering my hands. It crawled, the dirt actually crawled. Dreadful beings ran here and there trying to escape hooved and horned beasts. It was tortureously hot, steamy. The woman who was with me was not a woman. She was a monster whose breath smelled of carrion. She walked semi-upright on clawed, webbed feet. Her tongue was serpent like and her eyes pure black, no iris, no pupil, just black.
I glanced around for Lucifer but he had skulked away like the sneak and liar that he is. I demanded to go home and was told I could but this would be my home as soon as my room was ready.

Creative Copy Challenge #75


Patsi Sota September 15, 2010

The Dope Man

Sleepy sat at the small table going over his contract, an outdated one at that. This is the Prince's fault. He had to go and kiss her while she slept. Everyone thought she was dead for Christ's sake. What is this guy anyway? Is he into necrophilia or just a freaking weirdo?

"I think you may have to retain a lawyer for this," said Doc. He sat on the other side of the table eating porridge.

"Sleepy, hand me the sugar would you please?" asked Doc.

Sleepy slid over the sugar. As he read he realized this agreement is outdated. The estimate of Snow's sleeping time was 100 years. She was awake and spending his money, after the prince died, within a year of the spell being broken. Surely the contract had been broken, yes?

"May I make a comment?" asked Dopey.

"No," said Doc.

"No," yelled Sleepy.

Sleepy thought he would never climb the ladder of fortune. In order to ascend he needed to be rid of Snow White. She was overbearing, bossy, sarcastic. When she speaks to you move out of the way of her spittle, for it is acidic and will surely burn you where you stand. No one would cast a vote in his favor unless they were just stupid or stoned. The only reason I got stuck with the wench is because I was passed out through the goddamn vote.

"Sleepy, call your lawyer. The only thing I can think of is to dispute the original contract," said Doc. "At least you guys weren't wed."

"I would like to say something," said Dopey.

"Okay, what do you want?" asked Sleepy.

"I'll take the bitch; I'm running out of my dope supply. I'll get her stoned, hooked, and dope sick. Afterwards I can put her in the woods to make money. I already have customers; Big Bad Wolf, Jack Horner, Peter Pan, and all three of the pigs. There are a few others. Right now I have Miss Muffet, Mary, the lamb got ate by Big Bad, and both Gretel and Hansel hustling for me. Peter Peter would eat Bambi just to have a bang at Snow White."

"Throw in a bag of skunk and you got a deal."

Copy Challenge #74


Patsi Sota September 9, 2010 at 6:37 am

Bird Watcher

Hopeless. That is the word to describe how I am feeling at this moment. At this time which can never redone or started over.

I started my day with a cup of coffee and the announcement to my husband that I was going to aucupate down by the lake, at the northside beach. I was suppose to pick up Jan. She had her bird book. She had told me that if I was going to bird watch than I would need the book with me. I told her that was preposterous. I really just wanted to be alone. He reminded me of the crimes that have been committed down there just recently and I told him I would take his hunting knife with me.

There was a man on the corner, one of those starving artist. He asked if I wanted him to draw a caricature of me. I sat down on the bench and his hands and body went into action. His strokes were long and dainty and first. He was young, maybe 30. I watched him bend and move, very graceful. He was absolutely scintillating.

I thought of my life and hated him. His moves and strokes were now short and jagged. They sawed into my flesh and ground my bones. His mocking dance was encompassing my very soul. He sneered as he drew. I felt the life flowing out of me. The pschyological trauma was immesnse and I it thought to be irreparable.

I could not take it anymore. He was just like the mime last month and the can banger the month before and he flute player, fortune teller, and the guitarist before them. I pulled the knife from my purse and slashed his throat before he could sign his name to my picture. The blood squirted but I was careful to get out of the way in time.

Why would he attack me like this? I am a law-abiding citzen who just wanted to be alone. How could a jury not see this? Why would anyone blame me? I gazed at the sketch in my hand. It was really very good.


Leah Petersen said...

Oh, that's great. I love that one!
September 9, 2010 11:28 AM

Creative Copy Challenge #73

Patsi Sota September 7, 2010 at 1:26 pm

The Hysteric Gypsy

I lie there on the linoleum as the pendulum swings left to right, left to right. I giggle as the intonation of the chanting reaches a lower pitch. There was a loud pop and a strange smell to follow. The smell is like an old memory which I seem to grow more fond of the longer I lay there. She wiggled, chanted and shook bones at me. The bones had been dipped in a concoction, they burned as they hit the skin of my left arm. I watched as she took a smidgen of this and a pinch of that. The crone poured a liquid into a copper goblet. I was pulled up to a sitting position. She is going to make me drink this? She sniffed at the brew but before she was able to pass the goblet to me her eyes rolled into the back of her head and then thud; she was out cold on the floor next to me. I wanted a simple potion, that was all. I am starting to feel funny and I am breaking out in a rash on my left arm. So itchy!

A month later I am no longer able to roam during the daylight. I am cursed, deformed, possessed? What ever it is I am an abomination. The crone’s eyes stare at me from below. They protrude out of my arm as do the beginning of a chin and nose.
In retrospect I should have went elsewhere but no, I had to be cheap and go to The Hysteric Gypsy.




I knew as I was setting up my tripod that the background was apocryphal. How could it not be? There were mammoths in the background for Christ sakes! I tried ringing my agent on the satellite phone but all I heard was a silky voice informing me there was no one available to take my call at this time.
The vixen lie on the filthy kilim, in front of the camera, looking delicious in her leopard fur. It barely covered her behind and the cleavage line was almost non-existent. I looked behind her and couldn’t believe my luck. I started to slowly back up with the camera. I just left the tripod there.
The girl looked at me, then behind her, and back at me. The dawning on her face was absolutely comical, or would have been if not for the outcome. I could not have planned this any better. Her eyes grew huge as the realization set in. She screamed, once.
The feline, grabbed her by the throat with 6 inch fangs protruding from its mandible. With a mother-like tenderness the saber tooth tiger closed its jaws, smashing the actress’s skull into many fragments, slicing into her brain and killing her almost instantly.
“Cut, and that’s a wrap.”

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